About once a month I try to go out in my garden and take photos just for my own records as to what is blooming, when, and where. Occasionally the shots show up in the magazine or enewsletter as well. We've been having nice, mild weather so I took a break from paperwork today to go out and get some November shots.
Here, at left, is my Rhododendron PJM that blooms reliably spring and fall. Quite a color combination when the leaves start turning as well! I've had it for 5 years and gets beaten up every winter when sheets of snow/ice fall off my roof during late Winter, but it keeps coming back and is doing pretty well. I checked the tag in my garen journal today - not bad for a $14.95 Home Depot purchase!

At right is my favorite Chrysanthemum -- Sheffield Pink. I got it as 2" rooted cutting at a plant exchange from an elderly gardener who had started it himself. I'm not a big mum fan, but I love the peach petals that resemble a classic daisy and the fact that it is carefree. No pinching back and I neglect it horribly! I've had it 3 years -- divided it and moved it once. It has bloomed more than ever this year and I think is happy in its current location so I'll leave it be for awhile.
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