Here is a pot of Lady Jane tulips I have forced into early indoor bloom. When the sun hits them they open up amazingly wide and have this gorgeous face. They are really getting me through these ice-encrusted February days. I have about 10 other containers of different bulbs that I potted up last fall and most are ready to pop over the next few weeks. I'm really hoping to have some nice ones set for our booth at the
Washington Home & Garden Show frm March 8-11. Will see how the timing works out.
Speaking of timing and pre-planning, are you trying to get word out about your organization or business to gardeners in the greater DC region?
Washington Gardener Magazine now offers classified advertising space in the bimonthly print magazine that goes to garden lovers all over the DC region. For $100 you get up to 100 words to sell your garden-related items, announce your garden club events, advertise help wanted, send a special wish to your favorite gardener, etc.
These classified ads are text only. If you wish to have art or color, please refer to our media kit for display ad space rates and sizes.
Upcoming deadlines: February 20 for March/April 2007 issue
April 16 for May/June 2007 issue
June 15 for July/Aug 2007 issue
editor@washingtongardener.com today to book your ad.
Interested in Earning a Few Extra Dollars to Feed Your Garden Addiction?
We are always looking for ad partners to cover the steep costs of printing and mailing our publication -- in pursuing that goal, I thought I'd offer the same deal we offer our independent ad sales reps, which is any display space ads that you book for us you earn a 20% sales commission.
The way it works is you get a signed contract from the advertiser, we get the ad artwork files directly from them (or create it for them if requested), then the ad is published and invoiced, when it is paid we send you your commission check. You can earn some nice pocket change. For example, a $1,500 ad is a $300 commission. If that runs 6-times in one year that is $1,800 for you -- just from one ad booking! Anyway, something to think about as you talk to any garden-related businesses you may know.
If you are interested in pursuing this, just contact
me and I'll send you our Media Kit PDF file customized with your information on the contract page so we know when the booking comes in from you. Some of you, who have the time and an affinity for sales, could really develop it into a fun work-from-home career. We literally have 100s of ad leads, just not enough time to pursue them!
(Note this commission does not apply to Classified Ads - only Display Ads in the magazine and our enewsletter.)