Our latest article in the Washington Examiner is out today. It is on the public gardens exhibit at the USBG. Having spent the last two days at the APGA meeting and this past Monday touring this outdoor exhibit put on by 12 public gardens from across the country, the timing was ripe and I was glad to be able to snag a few extra copies to share with some fellow APGA attendees today. Read the article online here (June 29 edition - page 61), or grab the print version at the red street boxes around town today - the article is on R13 (Real Estate section - page 13).
At one of today's APGA conference talks there was a brief mention of Plant Blindness, which I'd heard tale of before and wish they'd go into more deeply. What is it? The affliction of many in the general public that makes them see right past anything green. Like many diseases, it is genetic. Hard-wired into us humans. We see color. We see movement. We filter out the background (i.e. plants). Just a matter of survival you know.
What I found really interesting this time was the speaker talked briefly about a real cultural bias against flora over fauna. That animal life is given far more weight than plant life. We are animal so of course that is how we view it and our innate prejudice is formed. That made me sit up and my ears prick forward. I had been feeling this undercurrent for years, but never heard it expressed so well. When I talk to naturalists and environmentalists, there is most definitely an animals-first, built-in institutional morality that I find slightly repugnant and off-putting. Hey, I love animals too - some of my best friends are of the mammal persuasion! But are we really honoring Mother Earth when we outright give preference to one category over the other? I think I may need to start a PETA equivalent for our green friends!
Saturday 6/30 from 10am-4pm is the first ever Going Green Fest at the new downtown Rockville, MD library -- easily accessible by metro and bus. I'll be there with a table along with 30+ other green vendors. Come by for lots of info on being green, freebies, and fun stuff. The event itself is free. Here is a link to more info. Please help spread the word as this is low/no budget affair and we hope for a good turnout so it can be an annual event.