Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Loropetalum Plant Profile

Loropetalum Plant Profile

Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense) is also known as the Chinese Fringe Flower. It is a member of the Witchhazel family and is native to China, Japan, and the Himalayas. It is a common ornamental plant throughout the southeastern United States and is starting to be seen more frequently in the Mid-Atlantic region. They are hardy to USDA zones 7-10.

It blooms in early spring with masses of white or purple-pink frilly flowers with a smattering of reblooms throughout the rest of the growing season.

Loropetalum is an evergreen shrub that can grow from 10 to 15 feet high and wide. There are also dwarf cultivars available. It can be pruned to control the size, but is better to plant it in a spot where it can attain its natural shape and form. They are often used as hedges, topiaries, or limbed up to form small trees.

Plant them in full- to part sun locations with moist, well-drained, acidic soil and add plenty of organic matter. Mulch around them well. You can add a slow-release fertilizer in spring, if you wish.

Loropetalum: You Can Grow That!

The video was produced by Washington Gardener Magazine as part of our Plant Profile series for Mid-Atlantic USA gardeners.

Audio, photos, and text by Kathy Jentz

Video and editing by Cassie Peo

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