A Midsummer Garden Revelry
Friday, June 27 from 7-9pm
Hosted by Washington Gardener Magazine
Back for year #3 by popular demand!
~ Come by with your garden questions
~ See our trial gardens in progress
~ Pet our garden watch-kitty, Chantilly
~ Renew or subscribe to the magazine in person
~ Purchase gift subscriptions
~ Pluck a weed or two as a keepsake souvenir
~ Single copies of our back issues and current issue are also for sale
~ Pick up a pack of seeds with any purchase
~ Take photos of whatever is in bloom for our upcoming Photo Contest
~ Light refreshments (rumor has it Mojitos are being mixed up!)
~ Buy tickets for the Parade of Ponds* to benefit Shepherd's Table
~ Children's activities - Fish Pond and Faerie Garden
~ Information table on various area garden events and groups (bring your flyers and cards to share)

AND only you lucky blog-readers get a sneak preview of my latest garden addition -- a potting bench I had stored new in the box for over a year and finally got help in putting together this morning. My helper was current
Takoma Hort Club President Wendy Bell and also got assistance from some folks who just stopped by to chat and then one desperate call to my dad. (Yeah, I humbly had to make sure on what order you follow ~ screw-hole-washer-nut or screw-washer-hole-nut or what?)
Come to 826 Philadelphia Ave. (Rt. 410), Silver Spring, MD - at the corner of Fenton - across from the Public Storage building. Look for the flamingos and tiki torches.
Please walk, bike, bus, metro, or car-pool. We are a 10-15 minute walk from either the Silver Spring and Takoma Park metro stops. Also, several Metro and Ride-On bus routes pass nearby. If driving, there is limited free parking available nearby on King Street and in public garages/lots along Fenton.
Contact us if you need more specific directions.
The Open Garden is rain or shine. We'll quickly duck in the gazebo or in the house, if it storms.
The event is free. Registration/reservations are not required. Please pass this invite on to your DC-area gardening friends and family.
*This Parade of Ponds in the DC-area takes place the last weekend of July -- all proceeds benefit the local nonprofit
Shepherd's Table. I'm really excited about this and hope it become an annual tradition as it has in other areas of the country. I encourage folks to carpool and make an occasion out of it - a really nice way to spend a summer weekend! The tickets for it are available though
Premier Ponds web site and I also have a stack of them I can sell to anyone who is interested.