Took 50+ pics at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens last Saturday at the Water Lily & Lotus Fest. Some amazing images that I'll be using in future issues od the nagazine and as one fellow photog commented that day, you can just hold your arm out and take a photo in any direction without looking and all will be keepers. I'm sharing this video so you can get a taste of the park and hope you make time to visit soon.
Save the Baby Raindrops: All About Rain Barrels and Water Management
Family Urban Gardening Series presented by Washington Gardener Magazine and the Historic Society of Washington DC
Speaker: Barry Chenkin
Learn how to use a rain barrel for rain collection and storage. For people interested in saving water and helping the environment, a rain barrel is a win-win. When it’s raining, your garden is getting the water it needs. Rain barrels come into use during periods of drought, when you would have to resort to using water from your house to water your garden. In addition to conserving water, collecting runoff from your roof stops that water from polluting your local watershed. By diverting this storm runoff from your roof into your rain barrel, you’re stopping it from picking up all those pollutants and taking them to your local stream. Urban Gardening speaker, Barry Chenkin, is a longtime resident of Montgomery County, Maryland, and the founder of Aquabarrel LLC, a company that specializes in personal rainwater management products such as rain barrels, downspout filters, and downspout diverters.
Recommended that you RSVP@historydc.org
FREE and open to all! (Program geared to ages 12 to Adults)
at the HSW 801 K Street, NW at Mount Vernon Square Washington, DC 20001, right across the street from the DC Convention Center at New York Ave between 7th and 8th Streets. Easy walk from both Gallery Place and Mount Vernon Square metro stations and on several major bus lines including the #70s and the Circulator.
I took this of my pond this morning just as a test of the blog's video capabilities. Thought I'd share the soothing, cooling water scene on such a hot and humid holiday. Happy Independence Day all!
BTW Can you spot one of my goldfish jockeying for her close-up?
The holiday season is here and I bet you have a gardener on your gift list, so we've updated our annual a Holiday Gifts for Gardener...