Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Second Choice, but not Second Best

Coming up later this week is the big annual meeting of the Garden Writers Association. (If you join the group, please let them know you heard about it from me so I get credited.) A group of about 400 of us from across the nation and the world will gather in Oklahoma City, OK to tour gardens, network, and dish the dirt. OK City is NOT my first choice of destination. Besides no direct flights from here to there and it not being part of my editorial coverage area, when I mention the destination no one who hears it says, "Gee, I wish I was going!" I'm keeping an open mind though and expect to thoroughly suck up everything a can possible learn at the event.

I just got asked last week to fill in for a panelist who dropped out last minute on the "Meet the Magazine Editors" seminar. Here is the description: "Magazine editors from prominent publications will share their editorial needs, offer contributor guidelines, submitting query letters and answer questions from the audience." I'm not listed yet on the web site or promo materials, something I hope will be corrected swiftly. I agreed in part for a chance to promote Washington Gardener Magazine of course, but also because I think it will be fun and interesting. Plus, being part of panel is a lot easier than being responsible for a talk all on my own.

Pictured here is the highly successful Garden Writers Region 2 meeting here in DC last June that I co-organized with Cheval Force Opp.

BTW, I did NOT win the GWA Region 2 Director position I was nominated for. I did not actually campaign and I had to try to vote 3 separate times myself on their new online-only ballot system before it was registered and confirmed, so I should definitely not be surprised that the incumbent won. Will see if I'm even motivated to be up for anything next year.

If you don't hear from me for a few days around 9/30 this trip is why. Hope we get some good soaking rains while I'm away!


  1. Have a good time in OKC! If the convention offers transportation to Brick Town for fun, take it. As close to hip and happening as you get in Okie City. It's definitely not the prettiest town you've ever been to, but the people are nice. And on the plus side, you don't have to worry about people not showing up at the panel groups because there's too much else going on.;)


  2. Our hotel is supposed to be just a couple blocks from Bricktown and I think at least one event takes place down there. Looking forward to that portion. And yes, a good convention city is just attractive enough to get folks there, but not so attractive as to draw them away from the meetings. A very fine line.

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