Judy Tiger of GROW (http://www.growdc.org/) was terrific at corralling the crowd. Kevin Munroe of the NoVA Audubon Society (http://www.fairfaxaudubon.org/) had answers for everyone at the "Native" table. And our staff photographer, Drena, did an especially great job covering it all and acting as "Vanna White" for our door prize drawing. I've posted one of her pics here and more will be in the March/April 2006 issue.
Speaking of TV, I've just got my second booking on our local CBS affiliate, Channel 9, for this Sunday, Feb. 5 at 8-9 am -- I'll be on around 8:45 to the end of the show. Not sure yet on the exact topics, but think I'll discuss and show our "glove wardrobe" article from our current issue as wearing garden gloves was a point of debate at my last appearance. The weatherman, Howard, said "real men" don't wear them!
Now our attention turns to: making our first anniversary issue - March/April 2006 - as good as it can possibly be; getting out our renewals to the charter subscribers; and prepping for our booth at the Washington Home & Garden Show from Feb. 9-12.