Friday, June 07, 2024

Fenton Friday: Tomatoes and Peppers In

This week we planted our Tomatoes ('Green Zebra', 'White Currant', 'Icicle Orange Paste'), Peppers ('Mini Bell' sweet and 'Buena Mulata' hot), and one Eggplant 'Antigua Lavender'.

They went in the bed where we had the Arugula was in and also where I found a dead bunny last week (more on that below). As pulled the bolted Arugula out, e collected those seedpods for drying.

The dead bunny didn't appear to have any puncture wounds or blood on it, so I suspected poisoning, (Im sparing the photo I took of the dead rabbit in the bucket I used to dispose of him.) Sure enough, our local neighborhood list is full of dead rabbit and rat sightings over the last several days. Some claim it is a fox or cat, but the suddenness and high numbers at once point to poison. No one has admitted to it though.

Back to the good news side of things, I harvested a small bucket full of Blackberries and so far the mesh netting and fake snake I draped over it are doing their job!

The pollinator/herb garden area continues to recover well. We harvested more Lettuce salads and the Garlic Scapes became a delicious (but strong!) pesto. Apologies to all who I encounter this weekend -- I'm exuding garlic fumes and no vampires will dare approach me!

The overwintered Dahlia plants are starting to flower and the Zinnia seedlings are up.

Next week I hope to finish the Cutting Garden plantings and to put in all the Basil plants I have been sent to try out.

What are you growing in your edible garden this week?

About Fenton Friday: Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house in zone 7 Mid-Atlantic MD/DC border. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 13th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.) See past posts about our edible garden by putting "Fenton" into the Search box above (at the top, left on this blog).

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