Often when you read about ways to save money, one of the suggestions is to cancel your magazine subscriptions. If your budget is extremely tight, or if you never seem to actually read the magazines you do receive, this is great advice. For me, I find that I usually order more magazines when I'm trying to keep my entertainment budget low because I feel they are one of the most affordable forms of entertainment out there. I also really enjoy reading them...
Read the rest in the Dollar Stretcher's Readers' Tips column here.
Our magazine, Washington Gardener, saves you money in many ways. Here are just a few:
~ Educational Content -- Sure we've had specific articles like "Sources for FREE Plants," but we also give general advice in every article that saves you time, money, and effort just by steering you to the plants that work best for OUR area's growing conditions
~ Reader Contests -- Odds are VERY good you'll win free passes to local garden events or free garden plants and products. Most of the prizes are worth more than the annual subscription cost. For some contests we hold, all the entries are winners. How many other publications can claim that?
~ Subscriber Discounts -- Magazine subscribers get discounts on entry to our Seed Exchange, Photo Contest, and Garden Tours. One terrific discount now being offered to subscribers is $2 off the Shepherd Park Garden Tour entry fee. (You'll need to show the latest issue's mailing label to claim the discount.)
We are working on more subscriber discounts now and will announce them in the near future. If you are not already getting the magazine, subscribe for just $20 annually today.