Monday, March 30, 2009
Photos of the Photo Show Opening

Friday, March 27, 2009
Trimming the Hedges

(This foxy topiary is fron the William Paca House & Garden in Annapolis in homage to the topiary fox hunt at nearby Ladew.)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Gardeners Are The News

We have done profiles of Jon, Kevin, and Katie in the magazine as well as a before-after story of Liz's 7th Street Gardens (recently moved and renamed to Common Good City Farm). We had Jon's salad table project already slated fora n upcoming issue. I'm so happy to see them all get so much great good press!
Here are a few links:
~ Jon Traunfeld of MD HGIC on Martha today showing off his salad table project that we all got to preview back at our January meeting. If you missed the show today, that episode of Martha reruns on FLN at 7:00pm tomorrow night (Channel 217 on my RCN line-up).
~ Jon Traunfeld of MD HGIC on Martha today showing off his salad table project that we all got to preview back at our January meeting. If you missed the show today, that episode of Martha reruns on FLN at 7:00pm tomorrow night (Channel 217 on my RCN line-up).
~ Kevin Conrad of USNA-USDA talks about keeping chickens in an urban setting on WAMU archived and linked here. I've met Kevin's chickens and can attest that their eggs are yummy and they are all very well behaved. (Those are Kevin's chickens picture above and below. They are the "fancy kind" with fluffy hats on that lay nicely colored eggs. My Indiana farmer grandfather is giving me the stinkeye from his grave right now because I cannot identify the breed. I just know they love to nibble on honeysuckle blossoms and I want at least seven of them too!)
~ Liz Falk of Common Good City Farm, Ed Bruske of The Slow Cook, and Katie Rehwaldt of America The Beautiful Fund were on The Kojo Nnamdi Show yesterday talking about community gardens and urban gardening issues. It is archived here. Katie gave me a nice name-check and mentioned our web site's Community Garden Listings.
Speaking of which, I just updated the community garden listings again last night, though I still know they are far from complete. So if you know of a community garden in the greater DC area not listed there, please have the garden manager/supervisor give me a shout to get us the full details.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Similar Name, But No Relation

In other words, the Washington Gardener that existed in the mid '80s ended 20 years before we began. We are aware they were around, but that is the extent of that.
Further, magazines with similar names, Virginia Gardener, Carolina Gardener, etc. are also not affiliated in any way with us. Many of these come from a company called State by State Gardening that is based in Louisiana. We are friends with many other regional garden publications such as Chicagoland Gardening and occasionally talk shop or send each other referrals, but that is the extent of the relationships at this point.
I state all this because the question comes up often enough at events we attend that I thought it needed addressing once and for all. Hope this clarifies things and answers any questions.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
High Noon at the Green Matters Coral

I attended the Brookside Gardens annual Green Matters Symposium late last month. The overall topic of the conference was water management - rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavers, etc. Not surprisingly though, the topic of native plants came up almost immediately. The first speaker was from Georgia and may not have been aware of his audience, which was made up of mostly hardcore greenies who could have given his talk for him. He spoke on his region's recent drought years and its impact on the horticulture industry there (devastating). As an aside, he said that natives were overrated and did no better in surviving the drought conditions. I heard half the room bristle at that. A cold wind swept in. I thought I saw a tumbleweed roll through and the townspeople hustle to close their flapping shutters. Then he went on to endorse several hardier and better adapted varieties of plants from Asia that do better for him in the current Georgia drought conditions. It was all I could do to hold back the giggles as I saw the stiffened backs and tightly coiled body language around me. The man was about to be hung at high noon. Luckily, his talk ran overtime cutting the Q&A portion and moving most of the confrontations to the post-talk break period where they could harangue him one-on-one. The stranger was last seen pinned in a corner by three local "Native Nazis." I doubt he'll be coming back to town anytime soon.
Monday, March 23, 2009
First Lady of Gardening

Pictured here: First Lady Michelle Obama works with kids from Washington's Bancroft Elementary School to break ground for a White House garden. The White House / Joyce N. Boghosian.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Front Row Seats at the Washington Home & Garden Show

We're in Booth #301 through Sunday at the Washington Home & Garden Show. Our booth is the front corner of the first row in the hall -- a great location -- made even better in that we face the wall of backyard vignettes sponsored by Ikea, Design Within Reach, LL Bean, etc. Here are a few pictures of those backyard party demonstrations as well as a couple of the winning landscape garden displays. I was a co-judge this morning and have to say McHale's Tuscan Villa blew us all away and visitors will not be disappointed. I think they took this year's Philadelphia Flower Show "Bella Italia" theme and did them one better. If you get by the WH&GShow this weekend, please stop by our booth and say "Hi." 

Thursday, March 19, 2009
USPS Tramples Nation's Gardens

>>Why They Go Postal
An official of the National Association of Letter Carriers in Buffalo, N.Y., said in February that it would challenge the Postal Service's threatened suspension of a carrier who was using sidewalks to get from house to house this winter instead of walking across ice-packed, deep-snow-drift yards. Cutting across yards is required by Postal Service rules in order to speed up deliveries. [Buffalo News, 2-12-09] <<
An official of the National Association of Letter Carriers in Buffalo, N.Y., said in February that it would challenge the Postal Service's threatened suspension of a carrier who was using sidewalks to get from house to house this winter instead of walking across ice-packed, deep-snow-drift yards. Cutting across yards is required by Postal Service rules in order to speed up deliveries. [Buffalo News, 2-12-09] <<
This has me sputtering MAD! So it is not just that they are lazy and don't want to walk the long way up and down sidewalks and front walks, but it is that they are actually directed to destroy private property?!?!?!
As many of you may know, I have a love-hate thing going with the USPS. My local post office gals (shout out to the 20910 business office!) are truly wonderful, greet me by name, and always have a smile ready. My postal carrier, Will, is also a fun guy, does a great job, and says "hi" whenever we pass each other as I do errands and he does his route up and down Fenton Street in downtown Silver Spring, MD. Because Will, does cut across my lawn to my neighbor's house, I put in the pictured stepping stones in hopes my spindly pachysandra will eventually fill in. But I don't begrudge him the short-cut as it would be several extra yards to walk the long way. Hey, if I had to walk the long route, I'd do it myself.
However, I'd also know just when and where it is appropriate to step. For example, at my parent's townhouse in Germantown, their postal carrier blithely steps straight into their foundation plants trampling and killing a series of azaleas plus spring bulbs planted there over the years. In his case, he's saving maybe three extra steps.
So now that we know that the USPS actually directs their carriers to vandalize and destroy our plantings. Who do we go see for compensation and the labor to do the re-planting?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Free Garden Monthly Talks at the HSW

Presented by the Historical Society of Washington (HSW), DC Urban Gardeners, and Washington Gardener Magazine.

The monthly talk is at 1-2:30 except where noted with a *.
The talks all take place at the HSW auditorium, 801 K Street NW, Washington, DC.
They are FREE and open to the general public.
The aim is to get DC residents interested in and educated about gardening.
January ~ none
February 21*
Rooting DC Urban Gardening Forum
March 28
Urban Tree Care and Tree Giveaway Program by Jim Woodworth, Casey Trees
April 18
The Best Vegetables to Grow in DC by Cindy Brown, Green Spring Gardens
May 30*
Landscaping with Natives by Cheval Force Opp, Garden Tours
June 27
Growing the Perfect Tomato by Elizabeth Olson, Maryland Certified Professional Horticulturist
July 11
Rain Barrels and Water Management by Barry Chenkin, Aquabarrels
August 22
Canning Your Harvest Bounty by Liz Falk, 7th Street Gardens
September 19*
Raising Winter Greens by Brett Grohsgal, Even Star Organic Farm CSA (*2:30-4)
October 3
Building a School Garden by Grace Manubay, DC Schoolyard Greening
November 14
Putting Your Garden to Bed for Winter by Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine
December – none
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Planting a Bit of Green for St. Patty's Day

I did a row along my back fence. My ball of twine looked a bit sad and worn, so I used unwaxed, unflavored dental floss as a string trellis to guide them when they grow up the fence. When I came inside and washed up, I logged in and saw that a post on our Washington Gardener reader discussion group suggested fishing line for guiding vines as they grow. I'll keep that in mind for future years. The floss only has to last one growing season, so should be fine for that.
The sweet pea packs had plenty of extra seeds after I did the fence section, so I pushed the remainders in the soil around every traffic sign, utility pole, and flag pole within a hundred-yard radius of my house. Who knows how many of those will actually come up, as I've noticed that those same signs and poles are also doggy sniff-and-pee stops as the various neighbors make their evening rounds.
Pictured here is Jim Adams and his sweet pea plantings last spring at the British Ambassador's residence off Massachusetts Ave in downtown DC. The sweet peas are a favorite of the ambassador and were cut for many indoor bouquets to fill the home with a wonderful fragrance. Don't you wish you had a staff of expert gardeners to fulfill your flower-filled whims and wishes?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Latest Enews Issue Posted - Make New Plants from Softwood Cuttings

Vol. 5, No. 3 ~ March 15, 2009
In This Issue:
Propagate Plants from Softwood Cuttings
Magazine Excerpt: Spring Planting Guide
March To-Do List
Spotlight Special: Diva-rellas
Reader Contest: Go Green America Expo Passes
Top 10 Local Gardening Events
What's On the Blog
The issue is posted here for now until I find a new Ezine host service for us.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bloom Day Bulbing Over

For Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, here are a bunch of my early spring blooms -- February Gold daffodils, Tete-a-tete (mini) daffodils, 'Cantab' Dutch iris, snowdrops, crocus, and the hyacinths are just opening today too. The pink blossoms with yellow centers shown are my returning primroses tucked under a groundcover juniper by my back door. Also in bloom are hellebores and heather.
It has been a cloudy, drizzly, and chilly weekend, but we need to rain badly so I'm not complaining. My Winter Jasmine is just ending and my Forsythia is budding up. I have already forced two batches of Forsythia branches indoors and will cut another this week as it really brightens up my kitchen.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
ISO Community Garden Plots

Thanks to Bea, Mandy, and Judy for the big head start on the DC listings! Now, we need YOUR help adding any that are not on this listing page. We know there are garden plots at retirement homes, apartment complexes, and on government property that are hidden and only known of by word-of-mouth. We want to hear about them!
Share your community garden plot information with me us emailing me directly at WGardenermag@aol.com. Please pass this blog posting along to any other local area gardeners you may know.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Save Money with Washington Gardener’s Local Garden Resources List

Gardening can be an expensive hobby. It can also be dirt cheap. The trick is in knowing what to spend on and what you can scrimp on. In this time of tight budgets and watching every penny, Washington Gardener Magazine shares local garden resources that help you stretch your green dollars. From free classes at area public gardens to master gardener clinics, the many local resources available to gardeners in the DC region are outlined in the new March/April ‘09 issue cover story of Washington Gardener Magazine.
Washington Gardener Magazine’s March/April 2009 issue is jam-packed full of terrific timely articles for gardeners in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Inside it is:
· 40+ Free and Low-Cost Local Garden Tips
· Spring Edibles Planting Guide for the Mid-Atlantic
· Cutworm Control
· Testing Your Soil for a Fresh Start
· All the Dirt on the USNA’s Scott Aker
· Redbud Tree Selection and Care
· A Condo-Dweller’s Cantilevered Herb Garden
· 16 Garden Photo Contest Winners
· The Best Local Viewing Spots for Virginia Bluebells
· Shepherd’s Purse, a Real Bag of Tricks
· A Daytrip to the Smithsonian Orchid Show
· HortHappenings: Latest Local Green Industry Events
· And much, much more.
Washington Gardener magazine (http://www.washingtongardener.com/) is the gardening publication specifically for the local metro area — zones 6-7 — Washington DC and its suburbs. Washington Gardener magazine’s basic mission is to help DC area gardens grow better. The magazine is written entirely by local area gardeners. The content of the magazine gives real examples that residents of the greater DC region can use immediately in your own garden.
Washington Gardener is a local, independent, and woman-owned business based in Silver Spring, MD. The publication is dedicated to promoting the best practices for area gardening.
To subscribe to our magazine: Send a check for $20.00 payable to Washington Gardener magazine to: Washington Gardener, 826 Philadelphia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910 OR click on the “subscription” link at http://www.washingtongardener.com/ to subscribe online using a secure credit card transaction.
Friday, March 06, 2009
PhotoSynthesis Art Show Invite

Washington Gardener Magazine Hosts Third Annual Photo Contest Exhibition!
You are invited to view the winning images of the third annual Washington Gardener Photo Contest at the PhotoSynthesis art show in downtown Silver Spring, MD. All 16 stunning photos were taken in DC-area gardens. Both inspirational and educational, this show represents the best of garden photography in the greater DC metropolitan region.
The opening reception is Friday, March 27 from 6-8pm at the Adams Bank Lobby in the World Building on Georgia Avenue in downtown Silver Spring, MD. The reception is open to the public and is free to attend. After the opening, you may come by and view the photos any time during the normal bank lobby hours (M-F 9am-4pm, Sat 9am-12noon). The show runs through May 10.
The winning photos are also published in the March/April 09 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine along with additional details on the entrants and their images. You can subscribe to the magazine for just $20 a year and start with this current issue. Or purchase the single issue at the opening reception on March 27. You may also buy the single issue at local Borders, Barnes & Noble, or B. Dalton book stores and several independent stores including Urban Solar Solutions, Politics & Prose, and the USNA Arbor House.
You are invited to view the winning images of the third annual Washington Gardener Photo Contest at the PhotoSynthesis art show in downtown Silver Spring, MD. All 16 stunning photos were taken in DC-area gardens. Both inspirational and educational, this show represents the best of garden photography in the greater DC metropolitan region.
The opening reception is Friday, March 27 from 6-8pm at the Adams Bank Lobby in the World Building on Georgia Avenue in downtown Silver Spring, MD. The reception is open to the public and is free to attend. After the opening, you may come by and view the photos any time during the normal bank lobby hours (M-F 9am-4pm, Sat 9am-12noon). The show runs through May 10.
The winning photos are also published in the March/April 09 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine along with additional details on the entrants and their images. You can subscribe to the magazine for just $20 a year and start with this current issue. Or purchase the single issue at the opening reception on March 27. You may also buy the single issue at local Borders, Barnes & Noble, or B. Dalton book stores and several independent stores including Urban Solar Solutions, Politics & Prose, and the USNA Arbor House.
Due to the success of this contest, Washington Gardener Magazine is already announcing a 4th Annual Washington Gardener Photo Contest. Start gathering your images now and throughout this year. We will again accept the entries during the first three weeks of January with the winners announced at the annual Washington Gardener Seed Exchange, which next year will be held January 30, 2010.
Washington Gardener magazine (http://www.washingtongardener.com/) is the gardening publication specifically for the local metro area — zones 6-7 — Washington DC and its suburbs. Washington Gardener magazine’s basic mission is to help DC area gardens grow better. The magazine is written entirely by local area gardeners.
Washington Gardener magazine (http://www.washingtongardener.com/) is the gardening publication specifically for the local metro area — zones 6-7 — Washington DC and its suburbs. Washington Gardener magazine’s basic mission is to help DC area gardens grow better. The magazine is written entirely by local area gardeners.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Philly Flower Show Goes Ga-Ga Over Greens

Everywhere I turned at the Philly Flower Shower were beds of salad greens and veggies. The show definitely has jumped on the edible garden bandwagon in a big way. I can't recall ever seeing ornamental gardens stuffed full of herbs, grapes, olive trees, and more. The "mangia, mangia" Italian influence was certainly in the house. There were vignettes of garden feasts in almost every display. It was more than that though, the florists and landscapers have really caught on that growing your own is a pleasure and can be attractive too.
"Green" also came in the form of eco-friendly green walls and gardening practices like rainbarrels at every downspout. Then there were all the greenroofs on sheds, birdhouses, and doghouses. But you don't want to hear me blather, you want to SEE the photos. I've posted a bunch at Flickr. And here are a few more posted here that Flickr wouldn't let me squeeze on. Apparently they have a monthly posting limit, who knew?

"Green" also came in the form of eco-friendly green walls and gardening practices like rainbarrels at every downspout. Then there were all the greenroofs on sheds, birdhouses, and doghouses. But you don't want to hear me blather, you want to SEE the photos. I've posted a bunch at Flickr. And here are a few more posted here that Flickr wouldn't let me squeeze on. Apparently they have a monthly posting limit, who knew?

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