Friday, April 23, 2021

Fenton Friday: New Bed with Bloom

Purple baby broccoli forming a new head.

This week was windy -- like 20-40MPH sustained winds for two days straight -- and the temps dipped to freezing over the last few nights. I didn't take any extra precautions and think everything made it through okay. I got a bit of weeding done and created a new garden bed amended with Bloom soil conditioner. Check out the time-lapse video of that process here:

We picked a couple salad's worth of leaves from the fall-planted lettuce and I snapped off a few more asparagus spears. We also thinned the 'Garden Party' radish and 'White Egg' turnip seedlings, as I sowed them so thickly thinking they were old and I should use extra, but they all seem to have germinated!

Speaking of radishes, I left up several to go to seed and they are flowering now nicely. Soon we will have fresh radish seed pods to eat!

Of the new lettuces, the 'Asian Baby Leaf' and 'Mesclun Provens Style' are doing well, but the 'Garden Blend' is not showing up yet. Not a big deal if the third kind is a dud.

Still no sign of the 'Ultimate Hybrid' carrots seedlings yet, but that is as expected

The fava beans are still growing nicely, while the peas seem to be slowing down for some reason -- even with the addition of 'Oregon Giant' snow pea seeds.  

The fingerling potato plants and 'Navaho' thornless blackberry plants continue to leaf out nicely.

The strawberries are flowering profusely and the garlic continue to grow by leaps and bounds.

The purple broccoli are starting to form heads and they are adorable!

How is your edible garden growing?

About Fenton Friday: Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house in zone 7 Mid-Atlantic MD/DC border. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 8th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.) See past posts about our edible garden by putting "Fenton" into the Search box above.

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