Saturday, July 15, 2017

Edible Bloom Day

It is the 15th of the month, which means Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day again. To view links to other garden bloggers' blooms around the world to see what it blooming in their gardens today and to read their collective comments, go to

Here in the Mid-Atlantic USA (USDA zone 7) on the DC-MD border, the past month has been extremely hot and mostly dry. We got a couple quick, heavy storms, but we need some good, long soaking ones. 
At my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden, I have several edible gardens growing and a few ornamental too.
Pictured above are some Calendula flowers up by my plot sign. These are sometimes called "Pot Marigolds" and have a nice, mild scent and flavor. I also have regular French Marigolds planted next to my tomatoes as insect deterrents. I cannot stand their scent or flavor, nor do I care for the look of the blooms, but if they keep bugs away from my other edibles, it is worth it to put up with them.
Elsewhere in the plot I have Chamomile, Celosia, Allium flowers, Lamb's Ear, Queen Anne's Lace, Sunflowers, and Zinnias. The zinnias are not blooming yet due to a pesky rabbit family that moved into our garden this spring and ate all the zinnia seedlings. I re-seeded and threw a cover cloth on them and hope these make it.
I also have purple Morning Glory vines re-seeding everywhere in my plot. I think this is 'Grandpa Ott'. I am pulling all the baby seedlings I can find up, but I left a few vines to go up a trellis as it is very pretty - if you get up early enough to enjoy the blooms!
Allium with bee
So what is blooming in YOUR garden today?


  1. Celosia is one of those plants I like but simply won't grow in my garden. Community gardens are so interesting, I look forward to following yours.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Shirley. Celosia is a re-seeder for me and I see for others at my community garden too where it likes to grow in pathways and beyond. It likes "crappy" soil, so give it your worst gravelly, compacted ground and full sun.

  3. Oh no. Reading your blog reminded me I forgot to plant any calendula this year. Now it is to late. Bummer. Next year I WILL DO BETTER!

    Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry.Blogspot.

    ps: I am envious of your calendula.

  4. Jeannie - My Calendula reliably over-winter and they also re-seed a bit, I can share seedlings with you, if you are ever in the DC area :-)

  5. We all need to take part in such activities, it will not only make our community a better place but also is good for environment. I am surely going to bloom one in my garden. Thanks for sharing it


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