Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Video Wednesday: Playing with Pussy Willows

Well, I had hope to make a series of videos this week to roll out for the spring season, but yet another heavy snow fell and that project will have to be delayed for another week. So here is a funny video I made of my big cat Santino and his obsessions with pussy willow catkins.


  1. Katia6:14 AM

    Where did you find Pussywillows in Washington? Most places/people don't know what they are here. Thanks!

  2. Hi Katia - I buy my pussy willow branches every year in early March at the Philadelphia Flower Show. There are several vendors there that have fancy pussy willows - black, pink, tiny, fat, curly, etc.
    I also see cut branches sold locally in the DC-area at florists and Whole Foods around Easter time (now).
    The few gardeners in our region that grow pussy willows report that it can be an aggressive spreader so I do not recommend it for home gardens, unless you have the space to let it go.


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