Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How did you survive the blizzard?

Many stories of tree and shrub destruction are surfacing as the snow thaws. Evergreens, Boxwoods, and Magnolias seem to be the worst-off victims. Some of those who have greenhouses were impacted badly as well. Dorothy Cichra of Beltsville Garden Club writes:

"Thought you might like to know that the greenhouse at Duckworth School that the Beltsville Garden Club uses to grow plants collapsed last weekend during the snow. A picture is attached. We do not know yet what will happen. Bill Koppes is exploring the possibility of us using the greenhouse at High Point. Bob Pecatchek is pricing a replacement. It will depend on what the school wants to do and what can be done - was it insured in some manner? We have obviously lost our stock plants and the plants which we had been growing to sell. We have not been able to get in it much because of the snow and the danger from the hanging glass to see if any of the perennials survived - the heat was still on so there is a chance some survived."
The photo tells the whole story. So how did your garden do during the Mid-Atlantic blizzard(s)?


  1. Click on photo for enlarged view of the devastation.

  2. Just heard of more local greenhouses that suffered major damage and destruction. Here is a link to reports from a hort industry publication, Grden Center magazine: http://www.gardencentermagazine.com/snow-taking-toll-on-greenhouses-and-crops.aspx?List_id=7&email=wgardenermag%40aol.com&key=775591385


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