Monday, June 01, 2009

Cheating on Blogger with Twitter

Yes, I met Twitter a week or so ago, fell in love, and ran away. My steady blogger pal is just not as sexy. However, Twitter has a short attention span, he doesn't let me run off at the mouth like I like to. He also is all about the written word, not a bad thing per se, but when I'm talking about visiting gorgeous gardens or describing a particular plant, a photo can really tell a lot more than a mere 140 characters.
So, I'm back. Straw hat in hand, asking for bloggy-poo to be gentle and merciful.
Part of the reason I've been so infrequent this past week is also that between rains and running to several garden-related events (MD Master Gardeners Conference, GWA Regional Meeting, etc.), I've been frantically getting my garden ready for two open gardens this next Sunday. The first is for the local neighborhood and the Takoma Hort Club members in the AM and the second is for you loyal readers and Washington Gardener Magazine supporters in the PM.
Getting ready involved hiring local garden helper Dan the Gardening Man and we tackled the sidewalk median strip of weeds-from-hell yesterday morning. Here are my before-after-and-during shots. First, I weed-whacked it all back. Being careful to avoid the few plants I wanted to keep in there like a couple trial roses, a juniper, Kolkwitzia amabilis Dream Catcher , etc. Meanwhile, Dan dug a nice clean new sidewalk edge. Then I dampened a big stack of newspaper and carefully laid it out not leaving any gaps. Next, Dan and I took several wheelbarrow trips over to my neighbor Joletta's big wood mulch chip pile. (We hardly made a dent, she will be whittling that thing down for next two years I'm afraid.) Several gallons of sweat later, we were done and it looks perfect-o. Now, it just has to stay that way until next Sunday!
Also pictured here is the filthy bathtub that results from yesterday's work. It looks much worse in person and right now I just don't have the energy to deal with it... tomorrow.

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