Sunday, October 19, 2008

Economy in the Toilet? Free Plants are the Cure

So your 401K is going down faster than a vampire in broad daylight? Never fear that you can't afford gardening. Free plants can be had in many ways -- from propagation to seed collection. My personal favorite though is the garden club plant exchange. Today I attended the bi-annual exchange of the Four Seasons Garden Club at Jim Dronenberg's place in Knoxville, MD. (A few photos of the event are posted here.) I brought a bucket full of purple iris (variety unknown) to trade and came home with a box of daffodil bulbs, a large fern, an unusual rudbeckia, and several other interesting plant specimens.
You too can partake of the bounty by gathering your fellow garden club members, neighbors, co-workers, family members, etc. and setting up a plant exchange of your own. My only warning is that it is addictive and you'll go home with much more than you bring, so I hope you have room in your garden beds.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    i adore exchanges!! is easily one of my fave resources and ive scored some of my verrrry best plants this way...including a few old fashioned "heritage" "heirloom" varieties that are hard to come by..

  2. So very true - just as with our annual Washington Gardener Seed Exchange at plant exchanges you get heirlooms and other rare plants that you'd never find in a garden center or catalog. You also get plants that have been proven to actually grow in someon else's yard and usually grow well -- meaning they have enough to share -- so you are getting a REAL proven winner.


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