Friday, March 23, 2007

Year of the Tree

Our latest Examiner article is now out. It is about the urban tree and largely based on the "Green Matters" symposium I attended at Brookside Gardens last month. This week I attended the debut of a documentary on the demise of the American Elm tree which was part of the DC Environmental Film Festival. It really touched on all the same themes as the speakers did at the Brookside talks. For instance, how the loss of the urban tree canopy directly affects global warming, crime rates, property value, etc. You'll be hearing much more on this in future months.
Read the Washington Examiner version of the article online here (March 23 edition - page 60), or grab the print version at the red street boxes around town today - the article is on R4 (Real Estate section - page 4).
Read the Baltimore Examiner article online here (March 23 edition - page 97), or grab the print version at the red street boxes around town today - the article is on R33 (Real Estate section - page 33).
The Hawthorn tree pictured here was at the recent Philadelphia Flower Show. Apparently the ribbons are an old Irish tradition for placing your wishes on a tree. The colors correspond to the kind of wish you are placing. Supposedly you see these all over the Irish countryside, though I can't find anyone who has actually witnessed this. The lighting and my "expert" photo skills make it look more romantic and colorful than it actually was. In person, this display looked more like the poor tree had been TPed. Many show attendees gave it a wide birth.

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